Age is inevitable. Aging isn’t. -Marv Levy
Most of us are all too familiar with the effects, but not the cause or future, of aging. Some of the most intriguing research in the field of anti-aging and long-term wellness is being done with telomeres. Discovered nearly 40 years ago by Nobel Prize-winning scientists, telomeres are described by Elysium Health as “nubs protecting the ends of our chromosomes from damage”-potentially from widespread challenges of aging, including diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease and more. Long telomeres are good; not only are congenitally short telomeres associated with conditions like duchenne muscular dystrophy, but scientists also have found that as we grow older, telomeres shorten, exposing us to a host of problems connected to aging.  Recent findings have given rise to the idea that delivering the enzyme telomerase or lengthening telomeres even for a short time can halt or reverse some of the common diseases and problems of aging. Could this portend a fundamental change in how we view life…and death?
Maxim believes preventative wellness is the cost effective, efficacious, and empowering solution to numerous health related issues and presents an enormously attractive investment opportunity as consumer awareness rises and increasingly larger flows of private and public capital are directed toward healthy living.
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